ウィルス対策に「クリンテア」が絶賛されています。”KURINTEA”is highly praised for its anti-virus protect.



クリンテアセルフ店用  “Kurintia” Self Shop

当店のウィルス対策  Virus Measures at Shop

”KURINTEA” is a 100% Natural derived component (Plant extract, microbial product, natural palm oil derived component, ethanol) that also has an antibacterial and antibacterial deodorizing effect, and you can expect spatial disinfection and deodorize by spraying it with a spray.

It is effective by wiping it with a towel on the surface of the hand(safe because it is a naturally derived component), and in the self SS(service station),it is used for all service areas where the hand is touched, such as the refueling nozzle, refueling hose, and touch panel, and has been well received.

In the car, it is also used around the car handle, keys, navigator, and switches.

Please take anti-virus measures at this opportunity to publicize your safety and security.